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Traces of life, Debating a different notion on hotel room design

A minimalist approach that redefines the hotel room as the archaic compact home through contemporary lines, serving the primitive and savage needs of all individuals indiscriminately.
Competition, Experimental

Research, Concept, Design

«...ψάχνοντας στις ρωγμές του παρελθόντος μορφές και ιδέες, όνειρα του μέλλοντος, ίχνη μιας νέας εποχής, μεταμορφώσεις της σκιάς και των χρωμάτων, πυκνές ανθρώπινες ιστορίες, σαν ημερολόγια ξενοδοχείων, ακατάλειπτες γλώσσες, ήχοι, συναισθήματα...»

A rather "rectangular" space of 24m², with a free layout combining a toilet, a shower, a washbasin with a counter and a small fridge and a bed.
The walls contain zones with hangers for clothes, light fixtures, switches, sockets and rails to accomodate tables and chairs (cantilevered) to facilitate best the users.
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